Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cardinal video

I'm trying my first video uploading here. I think it's working. Give it a long time to load or it goes in stops and starts. And it's much nicer all at once. I've titled it, The Family That Bathes Together, Stays Together.

It's taken through the tinted thermal glass door to the left of my computer chair. My glamorous bird bath is a terra cotta flower pot saucer resting on an over turned garbage can, but I get wonderful birds at it, so I don't dare get something nicer. The white stuff in the background is plastic used to cover some potted ferns when it goes below 40° at night, but I think we're finished with that now.


  1. What a great video! And it's so clear being taken through the window too! Wonderful job filming such bathing beauties. :c)

  2. Wonderful video! They look like they are having a great time. Washing off winter :-)

  3. Aren't they wonderful!? I hear the bird songs in the background, too. My birds don't bother with bird baths. I wish they would. Maybe the stream distracts them. Nice job, Bruce! I'm so glad you'll be able to share your great videos with more people now!

  4. Oh, that is just darling! I don't get the chance to see that except with a Robin once in a while. You did a wonderful job!!

  5. You are getting SO good!! Lovely video Bruce!!


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