Monday, October 6, 2008


Butterflies migrate too. Here are some of the ones passing through our yard now.
Does anyone know which skipper this is? 2 pix of it.

My favorite butterfly--the zebra longwing

This clouded sulfur is reflecting the green from the surrounding leaves--she was really very bright yellow.

Gray hairstreak

Gulf fritillary

The blue/lavender flowers are all wild native ageratum and the yellow and red ones are lantana.


  1. You still have a lot of butterflies! I haven't seen any lately. I love those zebra longwings. Beautiful!

  2. Those are beautiful Bruce! I've never seen the Zebra Longwing here. :c)

  3. I wonder if the skipper might be a Whirlabout or a Fiery Skipper? Both of these skippers have dark spots on a lighter background.

  4. Lovely pictures.I especially like the Zebra Longwings,this butterfly is not in our area.

  5. Beautiful butterfly photos. Some we have in the Ozarks; many we don't.

    At times I've studied pictures of skippers for so long my brain short circuits and I couldn't tell a skipper from a turkey vulture. Sorry, but I'm no help with the ID.


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