Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday Sky Watch

We are recently back from a trip to Kansas City and Branson, MO. On the way between these two cities we saw clouds unlike any other we had seen before. Here are some shots of the clouds--in no particular order. All taken through the back seat side window at 70 mph.

If you'd like to see lots more pretty and interesting skies,
click HERE.


  1. What interesting photos this week. Love the whispy clouds. Have a great SWF

  2. Amazing!The blue of the sky with the different cloud formations,so pretty.

  3. Wow!!! I grew up between Branson and Kansas City and spent most of my life there. (Closer to Branson.) We had plenty of cirrus clouds, but none like you've shown. Very nice!

  4. Very interesting clouds. The streaks look like rain coming down or maybe in this case.. like rain going up. :)

  5. Very interesting cloud formations.

    (Branson is about 60 highway miles north of our place in the Ozarks.)

  6. Great cloud formations. Well captured and presented.

  7. Welcome back, Bruce! I was beginning to wonder if you would ever return. You were that close to where I live and couldn't figure out a way to drive through Evansville??? Sigh. Great photos! Those are some interesting clouds. We have had a lot of great skies this summer and fall.

  8. Your skies with whispy clouds are lovely but for me, your beautiful little bird photoraphy truly plucks at my heart strings. That tiny one in your header is superb, ar are the others in your side bar.

  9. Thanks everyone for commenting. I wish I had been in charge--I would have looked all of you up that live near where we were.
    Arija, the bird in my header is a Carolina wren. It is the state bird for where I live.


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