Thursday, May 8, 2008

G is for Gone

Not really--just overnight to see our granddaughter, who will be 15 next week, in the Sping Choral Concert, at her school. They are very good and I always enjoy hearing them. She had a solo in her first concert in highschool--I don't know if she does this time or not.
Meanwhile I leave with a Tree for Thursday--in my haste I couldn't find a Th word picture for Thursday. It's covered with Spanish moss, which is an epiphyte, not a parasite so it doesn't harm the tree unless it gets so heavy it might break a weak branch. Enlarge to see better.
And below the tree is a sky for Friday--I see that some people are doing that. I'm not registering it, just posting it. That teeny bird is a turkey vulture.

See you later tomorrow when the alphabet will resume with a real G from The Grove Plantation.