Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New yard bird!!

I glanced at the feeders and saw this rump at the grape jelly dish late this afternoon. I knew it wasn't a bird I had seen before. So I grabbed the camera. Can you tell what it is from this view?

Even after getting these better views, I wasn't sure what it was because it's in a transitional plumage--end of the first year male.

He doesn't have the black cap and chestnut colored cheek, he will get later. So do you know now?

It's a Cape May Warbler!! The 171st species for our property!!

Can't resist showing something else we got a brief glimpse of on Saturday too. Sorry he wasn't more in the open.

It's been a good few days on the Toogoodoo!


  1. Bet you hope he is still around tomorrow so you can count him! :)

  2. Wonderful shots Bruce. I am glad you have another to add to your list.

  3. He's beautiful Bruce! Thanks for sharing him with us.

  4. That warbler is so pretty! I can see that you'll have all sorts of birds on your count that I don't ever see! Nice deer, too! I only seem to see the does and fawns when I do see one.

  5. Thanks all. I really appreciate your looking at my blog. I saw the warbler again all day yesterday, but not today--it's much cooler--maybe he's continued his way south. I was glad I got to count him on the October list. I've posted my list--so far--at the bottom of my sidebar.

  6. Your list is long! I think you are in the "lead!"

  7. I have a big yard with a lot of habitats so I got a quick start. These are nearly all regulars, so it will slow down now. Also I'll be away for ten days of the month, so you will all catch up while I miss all the good migrants.

  8. Not a big deal, but my name is Michele, not Bev :)

  9. Oops--sorry, Michele. Now I wonder who Bev is.

  10. What great pics of the warbler! Thanks and we really enjoy your blog!


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