Monday, February 16, 2009

Here are a few pictures from the GBBC weekend.
There is a pileated woodpecker in there--can you see him?

I don't blame you--he kept inside the twigs mostly.

But once he looked right at me as if I were the paparazzi!

Look how much yellow the pine siskins are getting. I had more of them today too because it's cold tonight.

This red-bellied woodpecker can't get into the cage for the peanuts, but can stick its head through far enough to reach one.

I hadn't seen the hooded mergansers for over a week, so I was thrilled when three of them came up the creek at high tide.

Chipping sparrows were the only species I had good numbers of, but still only 63. Half of what I had last year.

And only one bluejay--he looked kind of sad.
Now it's off to put my GBBC report onto the site. I hope you all had great bird counts too. It's always fun! I added a couple of species to my February yard list too.


  1. I did, I spotted him, and if it weren't for the red head, I would still be searching. Great catch! I've seen Pileated around here plenty of times, BUT as usual never able to photograph one -yet-.
    Super pictures Bruce.

  2. Your shots are really great. I got some bird shots earlier today but they're no where near this clear. Makes me appreciate these even more. :-)

  3. I love that look the pileated is giving you :-) Looks like you had a good count. I still need to send mine in, because I did it the day we left on vacation and things were hectic that day.


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