Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Two-fer!

The first part of this post is for Wednesday and the second is Tuesday's, since I skipped a day. And it will be wordy Wednesday this week too.

There has been a lot of great egret activity on the tidal creek that I can see from my computer which is a story up because our house is raised--required by law for flood insurance. At least one egret is there nearly all the time and I've seen three fly by at once. I think there is a little courtship going on, but I haven't seen any actual dancing yet this year

There was an egret feeding at low tide in the evening yesterday--hardly enough light to capture the scene.

Then at dawn, also with not enough light, there was one there again, as I filled the feeders and fed the dog.

And in the middle of the day, with too much light (I'm never satisfied.), there was one here again, feeding in the shallows at high tide. If you click and enlarge, you can see the new spring green marsh grass peeking up among the old dried stems of winter.

Here's a video of one of the egrets in the marsh. I like the reflection when it flies away. I'm sorry the videos take so long to load. I reduced them greatly and the quality shows it, but they still seem to take forever.


The first hummingbirds arrived Tuesday--three days before normal. I'm glad I was ready.

Here's a video taken through a dirty, tinted, thermal pane, but you can still see his little tongue!


  1. Wow, BG, you're fast--my post has only been up a few minutes. You're right--the light is almost never right--especially for big white birds--very frustrating. I'm glad you enjoyed the videos. Thanks.

  2. Wow! I can't imagine being able to watch egrets from my computer room! I don't even have a window! I'd never get anything done, if I did :-) Beautiful shots and how nice that you have a hummingbird already!

  3. Great photo of the egret in flight.

    Hummingbird aren't due to arrive in the Ozarks for a couple more weeks. Thanks for sharing yours.

  4. Nope, no photographer is ever completely happy with the finished I never, ever see my images the way others see them. Love your egrets and am so jealous you have hummers already! My feeders are up, but none thus far.

  5. Hummers exciting! Ours will be arriving any day - I have my feeder out and ready...That little guy looks pretty fat after his journey.

  6. I guess it's time for me to put out hummingbird feeders. Great Pictures. I wish I could see egrets from my computer. Oh well, I get a good view of cardinals and painted buntings from here.
    Greg II

  7. Hi Bruce, I'm glad to run across your site. It appears that you and I have very similar interests. It looks like we spent yesterday doing some of the same things as well- taking pictures of birds in flight and blogging! :) It's always nice to find a kindred spirit. I live over in Alabama- so we are probably seeing many of the same birds by now- although you may see more coastal birds if you live on the SC coast. Anyway- I'm adding your blog to my site list at I also have a birding journal at Very nice photos.

  8. Nice Series...great BIF!!! Really enjoyed your video too.

  9. This room is really a glass enclosed sun room, but the Dobie and I have taken it over! And you're right, Mary, I don't get anything done! Right in the middle of that sentence I had to go out on the deck and film deer in the mists over the marsh--film at 11:00.

    Thanks, Marvin--I was pleased with the egret flying shot too--white and flying are both challenges for me. It was a different egret than the one in the video.

    I agree, Jayne--I think everyone's photos are better than mine generally.
    I'm glad you all are ready for the hummingbirds. I think he looked fat because it was chilly and he had his feathers puffed up, BL.

    Yes, get the feeders up, Greg--they are here!

  10. Beautiful Egret, we don't have them where I live, so it is a nice treat to see them here. Thanks for sharing

  11. Wow--that image of the egret in flight is just gorgeous!

  12. ooooh! A hummer! And a fat liuttle one too. I can't wait for them to reach NJ.
    Thanks for the video.

  13. Hi Bruce, thank you for your kind comment, I will add you as a link also and I will be back you have some great shots here. Mike.

  14. Thanks, Stacey--I'll trade you an egret or two for a wolf and a buffalo! Egrets really are very common here--even in the ditches along the roads.

    Thanks for the nice compliment, Kathryn--I'm just getting the hang of flying birds. My camera is a good point and shoot, but it still isn't as quick as a DSLR.

    Thanks for looking Bobbie. The hummers will find you as soon as your weather settles down.

  15. Hi Bruce, as always your shot are just stunning! Nice to see the hummers back. I can't wait for their return here. They are just so friendly and sweet. The Egrets are just a beautiful bird especially with a reflection. Great job!!

  16. With our time difference, it seems as if I am always last in line to comment. LOL!! I love the reflections in the video Bruce and the humming bird. As soon as I have moved to my new place I will put up some feeders too.

  17. Thanks so much for the hummingbird video. I haven't had any visit me yet but my feeders are out and ready for them! Beautiful pictures too!!


  18. Oh, beautiful post, Bruce! And look how many nice comments you've gotten. I'm not surprised! These are really lovely. I like that you're adding videos now, too.

  19. Oooh! Great photos of the egrets, especially the first one. Loved the hummingbird video. I could actually see his tongue, something I've never seen before.


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