Thursday, May 29, 2008

U is for the Unusual

These are not necessarily so very unusual, but for me to capture either the beauty or the moment was unusual. They are all things seen around here and I feel very priviledged to have been able to record them all.

Zebra long-wing butterfly--rarely seen here. What a beauty.

Passion flower or may pop as some call it. Not many things in nature are more beautiful
What a marvelous design the magnolia grandiflora has for distributing its seeds! Hang them by a thread to attract birds!

Not very attractive at all, but so interesting. Bot fly larvae emerging from little tumors on a squirrel. The squirrel was fine and grew new fur on this area in a couple of weeks.

Not many swamps are as pretty as a cypress one.

Now on to a little bit of nature porn.

Two anoles mating.

A six inch long lubber grasshopper ovipositing--laying eggs in a hole she made in the ground.

Robber flies mating--sort of long distance.

Roseate skimmer dragonfly--what a color! But this was late in the season and just look at those ragged wings.

A newly emerged cicada drying its wings. After a couple of hours, it was all brown and ready to go.

This gorgeous cougar is one of the animals that lives in the original animal section of Charlestowne Landing--a living museum of how life was in the 1600s in this area.

Dragonflies are viscious! Here's one devouring a moth.

So are fiddler crabs. This was a fight started by a young male with a dominant one--the youngster didn't stand a chance. I hope you've found these somewhat unusual moments of South Carolina lowcountry nature. Let me know!
