Sunday, August 10, 2008

Deer appear

The first day my new camera came in the mail, I put in the card and went running outside to try it without reading the manual or anything. I was snapping away at butterflies and flowers with a long lens on. I came around a bush and there was a deer silhouetted in the opening to another part of the yard. I stopped dead with the camera up to my eye and quickly took some pictures. She didn't move away as I expected, but just stood there stamping her feet at me. I didn't dare move, but did back off on the zoom some to try and get her less silhouetted.

Imagine my surprise when I saw this little guy on the left! No wonder she didn't run and kept stamping at me. I still had the camera up at my eye thinking that surely they would run if I moved my arms. Again, I unzoomed some more to try and get better light.

And lo and behold--there's another fawn to her right! What a thrill--even at that distance! This was the first time I'd see her with the babies. Too bad the light was so difficult and I had a 15 minute old camera that I knew nothing about. You'll have to click this bigger to see the fawns.

The fawns were so cute! We stood there looking at each other for several minutes. Then suddenly, she snorted and all three ran back into the open place behind them and into the woods beyond. I had to lighten all the pictures to see any detail, but it was t thrill anyway even to see them with just one eye through the lens.

They are so cute!

These were taken in June, so they are getting bigger now, but we still see them and they still have spots. Stay tuned.


  1. I love that picture of the three of them Bruce. So happy to hear that they still come around to visit. :c)

  2. So beautiful! That final picture showing all the lovely spots is wonderful. Good thing you are camera savvy enough to do well with even a minutes old camera :-) What a wonderful thing to see.

  3. Thanks for sharing the doe and fawn photos. I enjoy seeing deer anywhere outside of my veggie garden.

  4. A real little Bambi!! Don't you want to send me one?? :)

  5. Thanks all for the nice comments. Everyone loves a Bambi!


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