Thursday, August 21, 2008

More squirrel Olympics

With the enthusiastic reception from the fans, our squirrel prepares for the next event.
He looks at the score board and realizes he has to buckle down.

He rolls up his sleeves in preparation

He takes his marks and zones out focusing and ready to go
The judge looks closely at his perfect form in the very difficult Railing Hang event finals.

I think he wins a gold medal, don't you!


  1. He very definitely deserves a Gold Medal with that huge nasty brute of a judge watching him so closely!! LOL!! Excellent Bruce!!

  2. LOL Bruce! That is one patient judge!

  3. He gets the medal for sheer nerve in the face of "unfriendly judges". Standing your ground while being "sniffed" isn't easy...he's a brave squirrel!

  4. great photo's, I am popping in to visit from Mary's, as she told me you are in the Charleston area? We are coming to the Isle of Palms in a couple of weeks time for a two week vacation and I had posted on my blog, places I wanted to visit etc while we are there.

    I was wondering if you have time, would you mind popping over and adding your two cents as to what the best places to go to and any places that I should keep away from and more I should visit? I will be now calling into the Gallery as you have some really nice work there and I would like a piece of art from Charleston to take home with us.

    Gill from Canada

  5. Oh I just love your squirrel olympics. I can't believe he didn't 'bolt' when the dog came close. Wow! What a brave little fella...He deserves the gold for sure.

  6. Fantastic! Your photos are wonderful.


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