Wednesday, September 3, 2008


No, I haven't been on some wonderful vacation. I've been without internet access for two endless weeks. All is well now, with a new dish on the roof and a new modem--and it's much faster than before which may help with former blogging frustrations.
Anyway, now that I'm back I'll show you some of the pictures I took in the meantime.
Here are some birds losing their feathers in their pre-migration molt. Actually none of these will be migrating, but they still get a nice new set of feathers at the end of the summer. They don't look all that great in the process though.


  1. Really beautiful Bruce especially the second one.

  2. Welcome back and that chickadee has to be the cutest thing I've seen in a long time :-) Great shots! It's so interesting to see the birds molt and get all prettied up for winter.

  3. I forgot to add that the travelogue on my trip to Kruger National Park is going to be on my blog over the next few days, I had to do it in a few parts, and I know you were wanting to see the pics.

  4. Welcome back Bruce! Glad you got that issue straightened out and are back posting. It's funny to see them looking all "bedheady" at the end of the season. :c)

  5. what stunning photos with such a lot of detail................looking forward to seeing more photos.

    I'll email you when I get a minute.

    Gill from Canada


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