Saturday, September 13, 2008

New and old visitors

I looked out the window this afternoon and saw something on the dock! Quick, binoculars and camera!
A green heron! First time I've seen one actually stop at our dock.
You'll have to click the pictures bigger to see him.
Zoomed in
He's looking down at the minnows in the creek
He stops for an itch. He stayed a while, but I didn't see him do any actual fishing. Still a fun sighting.
The previously molting cardinals are looking better!


  1. Oh Bruce, I love those shots, esp. with him framed among the hanging Spanish moss. Great setting... as if he chose that perch for the perfect photo op!

  2. How wonderful! Great shots of it on the pretty. Your cardinal looks a lot better than ours....ours are still molting and messy looking.

  3. Thanks Jayne and Mary. I would like to get closer shots of that heron. We got some really close ones the other day of a tri-colored heron that I'm going to post tonight, I hope.

  4. How lovely!! Ours are so secretive you never get the chance to photograph them.


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