Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tri-colored heron

A tri-colored heron is a slim, very elegant bird about the size of a little blue, but with a longer neck and not as stocky a body.
We were sitting on the dock at low tide and this immature one came very close to us as it went along catching minnows. The rusty color on the neck and head will be more of a blue gray when it grows up.
These pictures are in no particular order and you will see a lot more detail if you click them larger.


  1. Your photosw are just sooooo gorgeous I could eat them up. I try to photogaph a bird or two, but when I look at your pics I realize what a rank amateur I am.

  2. when will you go online?

  3. its good to know about it? where did you get that information?

  4. Those are so beautiful Bruce! Lucky you to be so close to such a beauty.

  5. What a beautiful color it different from the great blues that are all I see. You got some great shots of it and I imagine it was very peaceful seeing there watching it :-)

  6. How cool! I especially like the shots of him stretched almost flat on the water.

  7. Thank you for commenting on my blog...and I am so glad you brought up the 'udderly' sheep to be Rams. I was raised a country girl although we did not have sheep... I thought the appendages were testicles while I was over ruled by a friend and my own 82 yr. old father.I googled and I stand corrected and believe you to be right!!

  8. That's one neat looking heron. I got a pic of my first green this summer but he was kind of drab looking by comparison


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