Friday, September 19, 2008

Skywatch Friday

Highs and Lows
Guys and Crows
I was out on the dock to see if I could see what a big gang of crows was mobbing. I think it was an owl, but never did see it. The crows all settled into the big pines across the creek.
Then a military helicopter came into sight

He was flying fairly low.

I could see the guys in it even.

The crows objected to being buzzed so closely I guess.

And they all got up. There were a lot more than I realized. Probably close to a hundred.
The milled around in the sky for awhile--very noisy!
They didn't go back to the tree, but eventually flew away.
And that's my sky for today. You can see the crows a little better when you click on them to show them larger.
And you can see bunches more skies by ciicking here or on the helicopter at the top right.


  1. That sure is a LOT of crows Bruce!! Lovely pics too.

  2. What interesting photos - Thanks for sharing!

  3. The sky looks wonderful and full of so much interest! I'm always a sucker for those big puffy clouds :-) That's a lot of crows!

  4. Thanks for looking everyone. I'm enjoying your blogs too.


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