Sunday, April 27, 2008

From the feeders

I decided not to even try to put the photos in order tonight--I've been without email for 28 hours while they--haha--upgrade and that's enough frustration for now.
Mrs. Red-belly fills her bill with peanut butter/suet mix to take to the babies.

Mr. Painted Bunting looks to see what I'm doing. If you click him to larger, you can see that he's wearing four different color bands. That means we know exactly which bird he is and when he was banded late last summer as part of an ongoing study to see if the numbers are dwindling. I have some unbanded birds here too.

This harried, but cute, chickadee dropped her bill full of mix on the deck rail, so she is picking it up again to take to the babies. They should fledge at the end of this week.

Mrs. Painted Bunting--she sure got the short end of the stick when they passed out feathers, didn't she--is also banded.

Just another shot of Mr. Handsome.

And speaking of handsome!! I'm hoping he notices there are meal worms available in the tray in the mornings. I have a feeling that the Carolina wrens are getting them all.

Just a nice shot of Mama cardinal on the deck rail. I have a lot of cardinals around the yard, but I don't know where they nest.

Mr. Cardinal gleaning the bits that the chickadee dropped.

Although I see and hear the white-breasted nuthatch all the time in the yard, it only visits the downstairs feeders in the yard. I think I explained that our house is raised because it's in a flood zone, so my main feeders are on the second story actually. Anyway, yesterday the nuthatch came to the new feeder--too fast for a picture, but I imagine it will return.

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