Monday, April 14, 2008

Hummer so far.

I must have taken 50 pictures of the ruby-throated hummingbird today and am not happy with any of them. The feeder is under the eaves and hard for me to see except through the window, which is tinted-against-sun thermal glass, so pictures through it don't work at all. And because it's so close to the house, but on the side where there is no deck, it's hard to get the camera on it from outside too. Also when the hummer is at the feeder, he's not in the sun and his beautiful red gorget doesn't show. I'm thinking I'll have to gradually move the feeder out into the open more. It doesn't leak as much in the shade though--doesn't get quite as hot. I am determined to get some better shots than these. As you can see all sorts of settings were used. I can't complain about the bird--he was most cooperative--but I'm not happy with the pictures and will keep trying.

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